Brewing the perfect French press

Brewing the perfect French press

  French press coffee is renowned for its rich flavor, full-bodied texture, and simplicity of brewing. Despite its straightforward process, achieving the perfect French press requires attention to detail and a few key techniques. Whether you're a coffee enthusiast or a casual drinker looking to elevate your morning routine, mastering the art of the French press will undoubtedly enhance your coffee experience.

Start with Quality Ingredients:

  • Quality coffee beans are the foundation of a great cup of French press coffee. Opt for freshly roasted beans and grind them just before brewing for the freshest flavor.
  • Use filtered water to ensure pure, clean taste without any impurities that could affect the coffee's flavor profile.

The Right Grind Size:

  • The grind size for French press coffee should be coarse, similar to breadcrumbs. A consistent coarse grind allows for optimal extraction without resulting in a muddy or over-extracted brew.
  • Avoid using finely ground coffee, as it can lead to a bitter and gritty cup due to over-extraction during the longer steeping time.

Proper Ratio of Coffee to Water:

  • A standard ratio for French press coffee is 1:15, meaning 1 part coffee to 15 parts water. However, you can adjust this ratio based on personal preference for a stronger or milder brew.
  • For example, for a 16-ounce French press, you might use around 30 grams of coffee to 450 grams (or milliliters) of water.

Brewing Technique:

  • Preheat the French press by rinsing it with hot water, then discard the water.
  • Add the desired amount of coarsely ground coffee to the preheated French press.
  • Pour hot water (just off the boil, around 200°F or 93°C) over the coffee grounds, ensuring all the grounds are saturated. Use a circular motion to ensure even extraction.
  • Place the lid on the French press, but do not press down the plunger.
  • Allow the coffee to steep for about 4 minutes. Adjust the steeping time based on taste preferences; shorter for a milder brew, longer for a stronger one.
  • After the steeping time, slowly press down the plunger to separate the grounds from the brewed coffee.
  • Pour the brewed coffee immediately into cups to prevent over-extraction from the grounds sitting in the coffee.

Experiment with Brewing Variables:

  • Don't hesitate to experiment with different variables such as grind size, water temperature, brewing time, and coffee-to-water ratio to tailor the brew to your liking.
  • Keep a journal to track your experiments and note the differences in flavor profiles to refine your technique over time.

Serve and Enjoy:

  • Pour the freshly brewed French press coffee into your favorite mug or cup.
  • Sip and savor the rich aroma and complex flavors of your perfectly brewed coffee.
  • French press coffee is best enjoyed immediately after brewing to experience its full freshness and flavor.


  Mastering the art of making the perfect French press coffee requires attention to detail, quality ingredients, a bit of experimentation, but it's not rocket science. By following these guidelines and refining your technique over time, you can consistently brew a cup of coffee that rivals your favorite café. So, grab your French press, some freshly roasted beans, and embark on a journey to elevate your coffee experience one perfectly brewed cup at a time.

Our favorite coffee for brewing a French press.

Our recommendation for an at home French press.

Our recommendation for brewing a French press while camping. This option requires a Jetboil.

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